April 26, 2019 

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Portfolio Breakdown

Year-to-Date Performance

Current Position Performance

Cypress Semi (CY)


Boeing (BA)*


Square (SQ)*


Apple (AAPL)*


Nike (NKE)*


Disney (DIS)*


Nvidia (NVDA)*


Canopy Growth (CGC)*




Salesforce.com (CRM)


GW Pharma (GWPH)




Logitech (LOGI)


Amazon (AMZN)


Citigroup (C)


JP Morgan (JPM)


Pfizer (PFE)


Take Two Inter (TTWO)


* Indicates a position where the capital investment has been previously sold.
This figure represents the profit returns made on the original capital investment.

Highlights from the Week

Biggest Winner: Canopy Growth (CGC)

Canopy Growth Corp’s (CGC) announcement that they would be breaking into the U.S. consumer cannabis sector carried the pot space even higher this week with CGC adding +12.01% to its massive +88.20% Year-to-Date gain.

GW Pharmaceuticals (GWPH), the cannabis prescription play, also saw gains of +7.40% this week as the healthcare sector rebounded.

Biggest Loser: Nvidia (NVDA)

Following Intel’s (INTC) earnings report seeing slowing growth in China, Nvidia (NVDA) stock retreated -4.41% to close the week, but was as low as -7.00% as Nvidia’s May 16 earnings date grows nearer. Some analysts and investors expressed concerns that this week’s movements in NVDA was similar to moves experienced during the December selloff suggesting even bigger losses in the coming weeks.

This Week’s Moves

No Moves This Week 

For long-term investment portfolios, a week with absolutely no moves is rare but not unusual. We use slow weeks as an opportunity to revisit our trading plan and analyze each of our positions to ensure our Buying Stages are properly set given how they change over time.

Want Further Clarification?

As always, if you have questions any of our positions or have positions of your own that you’re curious about –  feel free to leave a comment below!

See you next week!

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Disclaimer: Eric "Irk" Jacobson and all other Get Irked contributors are not investment or financial advisers. All strategies, trading ideas, and other information presented comes from non-professional, amateur investors and traders sharing techniques and ideas for general information purposes.

As always, all individuals should consult their financial advisers to determine if an investing idea is right for them. All investing comes with levels of risk with some ideas and strategies carrying more risk than others.

As an individual investor, you are accountable for assessing all risk to determine if the strategy or idea fits with your investment style. All information on Get Irked is presented for educational and informational purposes only.