Week in Review #301

Week in Review #301

Summing Up The Week Early in the week, stocks remained relatively uneventful, staying flat to slightly positive for the majority of the week until Thursday. At that point, signs of reigniting inflation spooked investors. Despite Nvidia’s absolutely outstanding...
Week in Review #298

Week in Review #298

Summing Up The Week The market spent the week whipsawing on every news catalyst, initially seeing a negative reaction to the move in the yen, Japan’s weakened currency, then popping on the back of the Fed’s dovish comments only to give it all back at the...
Week in Review #296

Week in Review #296

Summing Up The Week In light of Iran’s attack on Israel and potentially additional heated conflict coming to the Middle East, it’s important to remember that while we, as investors, must remain objective and unemotional, that doesn’t mean we ignore...
Week in Review #292

Week in Review #292

Summing Up The Week While the Bank of Japan executed an historic move this week, it had no effect on the bull spirits in stocks… yet. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said all the sweet nothings the market desperately wanted to hear, and...
Week in Review #290

Week in Review #290

Summing Up The Week The rallying call throughout stocks, Bitcoin, and even gold seems to be “BUY THE DIP!” The Bulls are in full control of markets, and even when we have a slightly exciting day like Tuesday where the S&P 500 pulled back more than 1%,...