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Last updated: February 10, 2019
When’s an earnings miss not an earnings miss?
When you’re 3M, AMD, Apple, Pfizer, or Whirpool and your company’s earnings aren’t as bad as analysts thought it could be.
All five companies reported earnings misses (or close to earnings misses) and saw their stocks pop after the news. The key is reporting a miss that’s not as bad as everyone was afraid it would be.
Nvidia, on the other hand… wow.
Has NVDA finally lost its mojo? The stock dumped 15% after they stunk up the joint with a report that was beyond bad.
It’s almost as if NVDA’s management (which used to be stellar) can’t see as far ahead as their noses in front of their faces.
Nvidia screwed up every aspect of their earnings from overestimating the desire for their new graphics cards to not coming close to predicting China weakness.
Here’s hoping Boeing and The Fed Meeting keep it together tomorrow. Boeing reports before the bell and the Fed meets later in the day…
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