February 11, 2022
Risk Disclaimer
The positions in this portfolio are incredibly risky and extremely volatile.
No one at Get Irked is a professional financial adviser (or a doctor), so consult with your own financial adviser to see if any of these positions fit your risk profile (and stomach).
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The Week’s Biggest Winner & Loser
GrowGeneration (GRWG)
Cannabis finally caught a bid this week, and despite all of the negative price action market-wide, GrowGeneration (GRWG) and its recreational marijuana brethren popped.
GRWG saw a +14.36% gain for the week to lock in the spot of the Week’s Biggest Winner, and while GRWG’s still miles from its all-time high, you gotta start somewhere, right?
Danimer Sci (DNMR)
For two weeks-in-a-row Danimer Scientific (DNMR) has been the biggest stinker in the portfolio. You’d think that at some point this stock would stop heading down, right? At least stocks stop at zero…
DNMR lost another -8.85% this week, earning itself the Biggest Loser spot once again. What a piece of s…
Portfolio Allocation
Target Position Size
Current Position Performance
1st Buy: 1/10/2019 @ $19.54
Current Per-Share: -($29.02)
Yeti (YETI)
1st Buy: 2/26/2019 @ $23.23
Current Per-Share: (-$142.16)*
Pinterest (PINS)
1st Buy: 5/16/2019 @ $25.72
Current Per-Share: -($13.05)*
Carnival Cruise (CCL)
1st Buy: 3/12/2020 @ $17.25
Current Per-Share: $6.64
Virgin Galactic (SPCE)
1st Buy: 10/31/2019 @ $9.87
Current Per-Share: (-$9.90)*
Airlines ETF (JETS)
1st Buy: 5/14/2020 @ $11.30
Current Per-Share: $11.82
Tradeweb Mkts (TW)
1st Buy: 4/8/2019 @ $39.22
Current Per-Share: -($23.59)*
Las Vegas Sands (LVS)
1st Buy: 8/12/2021 @ $40.50
Current Per-Share: $31.50
Uranium ETF (URA)
1st Buy: 2/23/2021 @ $17.97
Current Per-Share: $19.77
Zillow (Z)
1st Buy: 11/18/2021 @ $57.13
Current Per-Share: $54.10
Golden Mine. (AUMN)
1st Buy: 7/29/2021 @ $0.5316
Current Per-Share: $0.4443
Wendy’s (WEN)
1st Buy: 6/9/2021 @ $28.50
Current Per-Share: $24.87
DraftKings (DKNG)
1st Buy: 1/29/2021 @ $52.97
Current Per-Share: $36.55
Palantir (PLTR)
1st Buy: 2/12/2021 @ $31.50
Current Per-Share: $21.50
Grow Gen. (GRWG)
1st Buy: 10/30/2020 @ $16.04
Current Per-Share: $19.25
Danimer Sci (DNMR)
1st Buy: 10/20/2021 @ $15.00
Current Per-Share: $11.35
* Indicates a position where the capital investment was sold.
Profit % for * positions = Current Total Profit / Original Capital Investment
Cash Position Performance
The below positions are no longer actively covered each week and are instead reflected in the portfolio’s “Cash” position. Many readers mentioned wanting to still see these positions’ ongoing performance so these positions will be updated weekly in the table below.
Chevron (CVX)
1st Buy: 3/6/2020 @ $76.94
Current Per-Share: -($0.06)*
Twitter (TWTR)
1st Buy: 10/30/2019 @ $29.79
Current Per-Share: -($45.02)*
General Electric (GE)
1st Buy: 12/12/2018 @ $54.80
Current Per-Share: -($63.21)*
Canadian Pal (DCNNF)
1st Buy: 7/19/2021 @ $0.1000
Current Per-Share: $0.0691
Fabled Gold (FBSGF)
1st Buy: 7/23/2021 @ $0.1036
Current Per-Share: $0.0827
Actual Cash
This is the actual amount of cash when
accounting for the positions in this table.
This Week’s Moves
Introducing “Cash Position Performance”
Over the years since I started the Speculation in Play portfolio, there are a handful of positions that I closed out by keeping the remaining shares and profit, but not including them in updates since I no longer intend to add to them.
Additionally, there were two highly-speculative, penny-stock positions traded on the Canadian exchange that had commissions return, so those two also aren’t actively updated each week (since the commissions make it prohibitive for anyone to trade them with speculative mad money).
However, many readers have commented that they would still like to see the ongoing status of these positions which currently includes the three winners: Chevron (CVX), General Electric (GE), and Twitter (TWTR), along with the two spec plays: Canadian Palladium (DCNNF) and Fabled Gold & Silver Co (FBSGF).
So, I’ve brought them back in the “Cash Position Performance” table which you can find above in each week’s update.
Danimer Scientific (DNMR): Added to Position
The epic dumpster fire that is Danimer Scientific (DNMR) continued to rage this week when DNMR plumbed to new lows on Friday, triggering a buy order that filled at $3.65.
Despite being a tiny order in terms of quantity, the buy still lowered my per-share cost a substantial -4.62% from $11.90 to $11.35 since my per-share cost is so much higher than where DNMR currently is.
From here, my next buy target to add to the position is $2.65, above a point of support calculated using Fibonacci Retracement. And, while it sounds truly pie-in-the-sky at this point for this unbelievably bad losing position, my sell target is around $17.00 where I will pull all of the capital of the position.
DNMR closed the week at $3.71, up +1.64% from where I added Friday.
Want Further Clarification?
As always, if you have questions about any of my positions or have positions of your own that you’re curious about – feel free to leave a comment below!
See you next week!
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Disclaimer: Eric "Irk" Jacobson and all other Get Irked contributors are not investment or financial advisers. All strategies, trading ideas, and other information presented comes from non-professional, amateur investors and traders sharing techniques and ideas for general information purposes.
As always, all individuals should consult their financial advisers to determine if an investing idea is right for them. All investing comes with levels of risk with some ideas and strategies carrying more risk than others.
As an individual investor, you are accountable for assessing all risk to determine if the strategy or idea fits with your investment style. All information on Get Irked is presented for educational and informational purposes only.
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