October 18, 2019
The Week’s Biggest Winner & Loser
Canopy Growth Corp (CGC)
Are you detecting a pattern here because I certainly am? Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC) is this week’s Biggest Winner with a +4.01% gain, but it’s definitely not anything to write home about when you see how it’s been positively destroyed along with the rest of the cannabis sector this year: down -24.79%.
This week’s “gain” isn’t the result of positive news, the sector in general and CGC specifically have just become so oversold that this week’s gain is simply a bounce. You can virtually bet on further downside until CGC gets a new CEO and the sector sees something in the way of positive news.
Boeing (BA)
Boeing’s (BA) woes over its top-selling 737-Max airplane are nothing new, however, what is new is that Boeing’s test-pilots discovered problems with the navigation system well in advance of the two plane crashes, and the company, well, may have “forgotten” to inform the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The information was released by the FAA on Friday and adds to the ongoing list of Grand Canyon-sized hurdles that Boeing needs to overcome. The company’s stock sold off -8.25% this week and I wouldn’t expect this to be even close to the end of it. Boeing’s in big trouble and the downside is very, very real.
Portfolio Allocation
Target Position Size
Current Position Performance
Boeing (BA)
1st Buy 2/14/2012 @ $79.58
Current Per-Share: (-$1,053.52)*
Nvidia (NVDA)
1st Buy 9/6/2016 @ $63.10
Current Per-Share: $29.42
Apple (AAPL)
1st Buy 4/18/2013 @ $56.38
Current Per-Share: (-$77.33)*
Square (SQ)
1st Buy 8/5/2016 @ $11.10
Current Per-Share: (-$35.39)*
Nike (NKE)
1st Buy 2/14/2012 @ $26.71
Current Per-Share: (-$43.25)*
Disney (DIS)
1st Buy 2/14/2012 @ $41.70
Current Per-Share: (-$6.07)*
1st Buy 7/26/2017 @ $167.29
Current Per-Share: $99.50
Take Two (TTWO)
1st Buy 7/30/2018 @ $120.99
Current Per-Share: $97.60
Logitech (LOGI)
1st Buy 11/11/2016 @ $24.20
Current Per-Share: $32.52
JP Morgan (JPM)
1st Buy 10/26/2017 @ $102.30
Current Per-Share: $97.98
1st Buy 11/6/2018 @ $120.87
Current Per-Share: $109.24
Salesforce (CRM)
1st Buy 6/11/2018 @ $134.05
Current Per-Share: $120.10
Citigroup (C)
1st Buy 10/26/2017 @ $74.06
Current Per-Share: $58.35
Amazon (AMZN)
1st Buy 2/6/2018 @ $1,378.96
Current Per-Share: $1,615.85
Kohl’s (KSS)
1st Buy 6/3/2019 @ $50.45
Current Per-Share: $48.23
Berkshire (BRK.B)
1st Buy 8/2/2019 @ $201.96
Current Per-Share: $201.96
Canopy (CGC)
1st Buy 5/24/2018 @ $29.53
Current Per-Share: $19.69
Dow (DOW)
1st Buy 5/13/2019 @ $53.18
Current Per-Share: $47.75
FedEx (FDX)
1st Buy 9/18/2019 @ $152.59
Current Per-Share: $152.59
Cisco (CSCO)
1st Buy 8/23/2019 @ $47.60
Current Per-Share: $47.60
Pfizer (PFE)
1st Buy 1/28/2019 @ $40.50
Current Per-Share: $38.54
GW Pharm (GWPH)
1st Buy 7/25/2018 @ $142.28
Current Per-Share: $126.67
Xilinx (XLNX)
1st Buy 5/13/2019 @ $111.57
Current Per-Share: $102.57
Twilio (TWLO)
1st Buy 8/8/2019 @ $125.71
Current Per-Share: $116.95
* Indicates a position where the capital investment was sold.
Profit % for * positions = Total Profit / Original Capital Investment
10/18/19: Recalculated * for total gain over position’s held lifetime
This Week’s Moves
JP Morgan Chase (JPM): Profit-Taking
After JP Morgan Chase (JPM) reported a blowout quarter on Tuesday, it was time to take some profits as it once again approached its all-time high. I used a trailing-stop sell order which triggered at $119.14 and ended up filling at $119.10.
The sell order reduced my per-share cost by -2.77% from $100.77 to $97.98. At this point, I have no additional sell targets for JPM as it may actually break out from here. If it breaks down, however, my buy price target is $94.85, a 20% drop in price.
JPM closed the week at $120.56, up +1.23% from where I sold on Tuesday.
Kohl’s (KSS): Profit-Taking
As I mentioned last week, Kohl’s (KSS) is one of the most surprisingly volatile stocks I’ve ever owned, so when it started trading higher during a market-wide sell-off on Wednesday, I trimmed just 5% of my position using a trailing stop order which filled at $51.89, locking in just slightly more than 7% in profits on the shares I sold.
The sale only cut 0.41% off my per-share cost from $48.43 to $48.23, but I find that small profit-taking like this helps alleviate any regret or FOMO I might have later if the stock pulls back and I find myself thinking, “Dang! Why didn’t I take profits back when Kohl’s was over $50 again?!”
Given the unease the market is experiencing between slowing consumer spending and unpredictable trade negotiations, I intend to trim a bit more (roughly 11.5% of my position) if Kohl’s works its way to $54.00, a 10% profit.
KSS closed the week at $50.60, down -2.49% from where I sold on Wednesday.
Twilio (TWLO): Added to Position
The market has decided that growth stocks are out and reliable dividend-yielders are in, so the cloud stocks like Twilio (TWLO) got particularly slammed throughout the week. Patience once again paid off when, on Friday, TWLO’s price retreated through my $105.54 target, triggering a trailing-stop order which filled at $105.437.
The buy order lowered my per-share cost -3.17% from $120.78 to $116.95.
While I currently only hold 40% of my desired allocation of Twilio, this buy will be the last one at this level – it’s time to wait for Twilio to make its next move, whether that’s higher from here or a break from this level of support. If TWLO and the cloud space breaks down, my next buy target for TWLO is $85-86.
TWLO closed the week at $106.35, up +0.87% from where I added on Friday.
Want Further Clarification?
As always, if you have questions about any of my positions or have positions of your own that you’re curious about – feel free to leave a comment below!
See you next week!

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