May 14, 2021
The Week’s Biggest Winner & Loser
JP Morgan (JPM)
It’s a market only the financials could love, and, boy, did they ever. In a week of mostly red, JP Morgan squeaked out a +1.72% gain to earn itself the spot of The Week’s Biggest Winner.
Tesla (TSLA)
With concerns that CEO Elon Musk might be losing it (again) combined with lofty valuations and a market that hates overvalued growth stocks, Tesla (TSLA) took a dump this week, crashing -14.97% and earning itself the spot of The Week’s Biggest Loser.
Portfolio Allocation
Target Position Size
Current Position Performance
Take Two (TTWO)
1st Buy 10/9/2018 @ $128.40
Current Per-Share: $6.30
Canopy (CGC)
1st Buy 5/24/2018 @ $29.53
Current Per-Share: $1.95
Square (SQ)
1st Buy 8/5/2016 @ $11.10
Current Per-Share: (-$133.90)*
Logitech (LOGI)
1st Buy 11/11/2016 @ $24.20
Current Per-Share: (-$2.29)*
Apple (AAPL)
1st Buy 4/18/2013 @ $14.17
Current Per-Share: (-$45.02)*
Boeing (BA)
1st Buy 2/14/2012 @ $79.58
Current Per-Share: (-$292.05)*
Nvidia (NVDA)
1st Buy 9/6/2016 @ $63.10
Current Per-Share: (-$102.76)*
Nike (NKE)
1st Buy 2/14/2012 @ $26.71
Current Per-Share: (-$24.71)*
Tesla (TSLA)
1st Buy 3/12/2020 @ $111.30
Current Per-Share: (-$117.85)*
1st Buy 7/26/2017 @ $167.29
Current Per-Share: (-$32.76)*
Disney (DIS)
1st Buy 2/14/2012 @ $41.70
Current Per-Share: (-$0.04)*
Amazon (AMZN)
1st Buy 2/6/2018 @ $1,382.96
Current Per-Share: -($4,999.10)*
Twilio (TWLO)
1st Buy 8/8/2019 @ $125.71
Current Per-Share: (-$16.25)*
JP Morgan (JPM)
1st Buy 10/26/2017 @ $102.30
Current Per-Share: $68.00
1st Buy 11/6/2018 @ $120.87
Current Per-Share: $69.80
Skyworks (SWKS)
1st Buy 1/31/2020 @ $113.60
Current Per-Share: $82.89
Dow (DOW)
1st Buy 5/13/2019 @ $53.18
Current Per-Share: $35.46
Salesforce (CRM)
1st Buy 6/11/2018 @ $134.05
Current Per-Share: $115.20
Berkshire (BRK.B)
1st Buy 8/2/2019 @ $199.96
Current Per-Share: $163.97
Coinbase (COIN)
1st Buy 4/14/2021 @ $412.47
Current Per-Share: $384.45
* Indicates a position where the capital investment was sold.
Profit % for * positions = Total Profit / Starting Capital Investment
A negative share price indicates the dollar amount of profit for each share currently held.
This Week’s Moves
Skyworks Solutions (SWKS): Added to Position
Skyworks Solutions (SWKS) got slammed along with the rest of the technology this week, triggering a buy order of mine which filled on Tuesday at $160.98, down -21.09% off its $204.00 all-time high and locking in +3.82% of profits on shares I sold back on January 20 for $167.37.
Tuesday’s order raised my per-share cost +4.87% from $79.04 to $82.89, however, that’s still -27.03% from my initial buy on January 31, 2020 at $113.60. From here, my next buy target is $136.65, slightly above a past point of support.
The long-term potential for this company is so great that I do not currently have sell targets for the position until it outgrows the target allocation for the portfolio.
SWKS closed the week at $165.45, up +2.78% from where I added Tuesday.
Square (SQ): Added to Position
While much of the market bounced on Thursday, Square (SQ) continued to see weakness, triggering a buy order I had in place at $198.20. The order replaces shares I sold on April 9, 2021 for $262.53, locking in a -24.50% discount.
From here, I have a buy price target to add more to the position at $173.50 and a sell target around its last high of $278.
SQ closed the week at $207.85, up +4.87% from where I added Thursday.
Take Two Interactive (TTWO): Added to Position
Take Two Interactive (TTWO) got hit hard on Wednesday, dropping to my buy target with an order that filled at $162.96. Wednesday’s buy actually put real capital back into the position, giving me a per-share cost of $6.30. From here, my next buy target is $137.90 and I have no sell targets at the moment.
TTWO closed the week at $166.99, up +2.47% from where I added.
Want Further Clarification?
As always, if you have questions about any of my positions or have positions of your own that you’re curious about – feel free to leave a comment below!
See you next week!
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