The first week of 2019 definitely proves we’re in for a wild ride this year. So, we’ve got volatility in spades. Where do we go from here?  

Market News

  • The new year kicked off with Apple announcing a cut of their next quarter’s guidance thanks to the U.S.-China Trade War, positively destroying the stock and taking the markets down with it. To put it in perspective, the amount of market cap Apple lost in one day was equivalent to the entire value of Facebook!
  • The next day, Jerome Powell and even previous Fed Chairpeople Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke spoke, and it sounds like the Fed may finally be paying attention. Powell announced that the Fed would return to being data-dependent with no fed rate increases planned for the foreseeable future (at this time).
  • The Fed announcement caused the markets to whipsaw right back up resulting in a nearly 4% swing from the S&P’s lows to its highs this week. This is historically unheard of – 80% of trading days see moves of less than 3%!

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Trades in Play

  • This week was definitely out of this world with buys, sells, and some of the most powerful volatility we’ve seen in years. Stay tuned to the Facebook group for an update on our Trades in Play as well as what the heck we’re planning to do next week.

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