Week in Review #304

Week in Review #304

Summing Up The Week Could the Federal Reserve actually pull of a “Soft Landing?” It’s certainly starting to look that way. With last week’s jobs report showing rising unemployment potentially indicating a cooling economy, and both the CPI and...
Week in Review #303

Week in Review #303

Summing Up The Week The markets continue to look for any metric that might indicate the Federal Reserve could begin cutting interest rates soon which means we’re still very much in the “bad news is good news” approach to catalysts. Monday’s...
Week in Review #302

Week in Review #302

Summing Up The Week While many think the tried-and-true stock market adage is “Sell in May and Go Away” due to professional traders going on vacation for the summer, the original quote was actually “Buy in May and Make Some Hay.” While the...
Week in Review #301

Week in Review #301

Summing Up The Week Early in the week, stocks remained relatively uneventful, staying flat to slightly positive for the majority of the week until Thursday. At that point, signs of reigniting inflation spooked investors. Despite Nvidia’s absolutely outstanding...
Week in Review #300

Week in Review #300

Summing Up The Week Dueling inflation reports kept investors on their toes this week. Initially, Tuesday’s report looked unpleasant until pundits pointed out the revisions of past months might indicate a reversal in rising inflation. Wednesday cinched the the...
Week in Review #299

Week in Review #299

Exciting News! Get Irked’s Moving to Substack! After nearly six years of providing FREE content, the time constraints of producing Investments in Play, Speculation in Play, the Pandemic Portfolio, and Stock Shopping List have become too much to continue doing...